Welcome to Dr. Holly Hinderlie Psychotherapy & Consulting

“Your self-worth is at the core of all you do.”

Dr. Holly Hinderlie

My Approach

Mind-Body | Self | Environment

I work with adolescents and young adults to develop a greater awareness of the mind-body connection, and a positive sense of self which helps in navigating challenging environments. Harmony between these three areas creates the foundation for an overall sense of well-being. My work with you begins with deep listening, in order to fully understand your story and perspective; it is important that you are heard.

Practices such as grounding, meditation and replacing negative thoughts provide you with tools and skills for managing your relationship with self and others. The goal is for you to approach life with a sense of freedom to be your true self while you maintain the resilience required to meet and overcome life’s challenges. I want you to achieve all of your goals and aspirations while living a happy and fulfilled life.

Why Choose Holly Hinderlie?

I will work with you to build a supportive environment, in which you feel safe to explore your thoughts and feelings with honesty and clarity. This will lay a foundation for learning new skills and tools, and creating a model for how to establish productive and healthy relationships in all areas of your life.

Similar to working out at the gym, the therapeutic environment builds mental and emotional muscles that enable you to approach life feeling strong and capable. Two essential questions that we ask along the way provide guidance and help us measure your progress: Are you honoring your story? Are you owning your strengths?

Honoring Your Story

Clients often feel that they are somehow wrong in the way they approach their lives. A huge part of recognizing your right to be the person you are begins with appreciating your ways, history, and circumstances. This recognition helps you to relax and take a new perspective on all the pressures you may be feeling. My approach has helped clients to:

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Complete goals

  • Embrace their identity and feel assured in who they are

  • Combat loneliness

  • Navigate conflict and feelings of rejection

Your life is better than the best book you have ever read and the best movie or show you have ever watched. I will help you observe your life with interest, curiosity and lasting hopefulness so that you will not only survive but thrive.

Navigating High School While Loving your Melanin

A group for African American Girls in grades 9-12.

This 8-week-long workshop will focus on the skills and strategies needed for strengthening the self-love and self-confidence every Black girl needs to overcome the social and academic challenges of high school.

  • Group will meet virtually and in-person.

  • There is space for 6 students.

  • Initial intake meeting required.

Owning Your Strengths

Right now, you may be feeling overwhelmed, out of control, discouraged, stuck or a combination of these. As we work through the issues and challenges you may be facing, we identify your natural strengths, as well as new ways to handle life’s stressors. A deeper understanding of who you are reveals the one-of-a-kind combination of characteristics that make you, YOU. Your strengths are the GPS system that helps you navigate the world in your own skin.

I look forward to working with you as you discover more and more about how to be the best YOU can be.

Get started with Dr. Holly Hinderlie, today.