You deserve to get the care you need.

Individual Psychotherapy

In today’s busy world it is common to feel anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted and saddened by all the responsibilities and life challenges that one has to face. Finding a healthy balance in life may seem elusive and out of reach. Taking time to look inward is an important practice for self-discovery and a first step towards becoming a healthier you. Psychotherapy with a trained therapist facilitates the process of introspection, exploring emotions and learning new skills and behaviors for managing life’s challenges. In individual therapy, I listen closely to my clients’ concerns, and together we determine the next best steps to address the problems they are facing.

My experience working in competitive and elite high schools and college counseling centers informs my work with students who are balancing social and academic demands. These social stressors may cause feelings of overwhelm, depression or anxiety/paralysis. Therapy can help students get unstuck and learn how to cope with a variety of mental health concerns, including OCD, ADHD, depression, social or generalized anxiety and stress related to a minoritized identity.

My approach to working with clients includes using psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness meditation, depending on the client’s needs. As students learn skills for emotion-management and employ new behaviors, they can better meet the demands they are facing and succeed in stressful academic environments.


Adolescence and young adulthood are times of exploring and developing a sense of personhood, identity and a competence. A group where participants share a common identifier provides a community where self-exploration is safe and where there are “mirrors and windows” provided by those who share a similar identity. Discussions about developing a positive sense of self, cultivating positive self-talk, navigating challenges related to identity, and internalizing self-love and self-acceptance are at the heart of a group’s work together.

Parent Guidance

There isn’t a manual for how to be a good parent. Children and adolescents experience challenges that could not be anticipated and this can leave parents feeling unsure of how to parent during difficult times. It is always important to parent the child in front of you and not the one you hoped or expected you’d have. I work with parents to provide guidance on how to support their child through challenges, while setting clear boundaries and loving expectations. I help clients develop closer parent-child relationships characterized by healthy communication, empathy and respect.

Health and Wellness Consulting

I provide consultation to schools and organizations that are concerned about the health and wellness of their employees. Leveraging my decades of experience with developing educational and experiential programming and curricula in schools, I provide the following services:

  • Curriculum review and/or development

  • Student Program development (topics: mental health, sexual assault, social-emotional learning, DEI)

  • Health and Wellness Programming for Faculty/Staff/Administrators

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